Great Grandma Gai meeting baby Mason (8 weeks old)
When we returned I was able to support other Kansas City members at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Westport, MO. There was a great turn out at the parade and a lot of neat floats!
Toward the end of the week I traveled to Arkansas with my mom to meet Laine at The Royal We! Laine was extremely helpful with finding me the perfect gown for Miss Missouri 2010! A huge thank you goes out to Laine and everyone else at The Royal We. I'd also like to thank Shelley Kelley and all from Clark's Bridal in Jonesboro, AR!
Later in the week I was able to relax at the lake with my family and dog Brandie. Brandie is a miniature husky and loves the outdoors!! She gave us a little scare by chasing squirrels up the bluff, luckily, she came back quickly. She is so much fun and I have to admit... I'm a little obsessed!
Back to teaching for now! I've got quite a few upcoming appearances and would love to see you all there! If you would like me to help out with an event please contact me at
Tentative Appearance Schedule:
March 26- Speaking at Warrensburg Elementary Schools
March 27- Miss Missouri Orientation in Mexico
March 30-31- Mix 4 Kids Radiothon to benefit Children's Miracle Network
March 31- Easter Egg hunt in the Park!
April 4- Easter Sunday!
April 5- Kansas City Day- I will be all over town selling newspapers with the Royals and Chiefs players
April 6- Thanking sponsors in Mexico, MO
April 7- CMN fundraiser in Blue Springs at Golden Corral
April 9- LATE Show Lock-in Motivational Speaker
April 10- Miss MO preparations
April 10- Celiac Disease Booth at the Kansas City Health Fair
April 16- Relay for Life- I will be singing the National Anthem and participating
April 24- Traveling back to Arkansas to see Shelley
May 1- Race for the Summit
May 15- Speaker at the National Celiac Disease Conference in Los Angeles
May 22- Gluten Free Picnic in St. Louis
June- Time for Miss Missouri!!
I hope all is well! I will leave you with a quote that has truly changed my life:
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Thoreau